Friday, October 16, 2009

Beyond Walls: Building Our Learning Community

We can continue with our professional development outside the classroom and this can be the platform we use to bounce and share ideas. Hope to see you here beyond our walls.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Workshop Reflection:

How time has flown... we have only just begun to chip away at the surface. There is so much more that we can use to help us in our journey to becoming.

Thank you for 'being you' and sharing what you were comfortable disclosing with us. Believe me even that little bit spoke volumes.

Yes, I know that it has been quite a bit of discussion and thinking... just allow me two more requests.

1. Before we leave take some time to reflect on what was discussed today and share your thoughts and feelings here... remember you can always revisit and read other comments of your colleagues.

2. My next request will be for you to provide some feedback on our day together by completing the Workshop Evaluation Form in your packages. (This can also be seen in our workshop wiki site)

Again thank you for your super efforts and sharing!

The Johari Window

The Johari Window is a cognitive psychological tool used to help people better understand their interpersonal communication and relationships. Based on self-disclosure and feedback, the Johari Window serves to improve the understanding between individuals within a team or in a group setting and build relationships. Developed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham (the word "Johari" comes from Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham). Two key ideas behind the tool are:

That individuals can build trust between themselves by disclosing information about
themselves; and
That they can learn about themselves and come to terms with personal issues with the help of feedback from others.

By explaining the concept of the Johari Window a facilitator can help team members gain a better understanding of the value of self-disclosure, and gently encourage people to give and accept feedback. When done with sensitivity, this tool can help people build more-trusting relationships with one another, resolve issues and thereby work more effectively as a team.

To gain a better understanding of this concept, in your groups view either of these powerpoint presentations:

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Self-Disclosure and Feedback... some thoughts


Self-disclosure is not simply providing information to another person. Instead, scholars define self-disclosure as sharing information with others that they would not normally know or discover. Self-disclosure involves risk and vulnerability on the part of the person sharing the information.

Your ability to disclose yourself to others depends upon your self-awareness and self acceptance. You must be aware of your reactions in order to communicate with others. Without accepting your reactions you cannot feel free to allow other individuals to hear them.


Self-disclosing about how you are reacting to the way another is behaving is often called feedback. The purpose of feedback is to provide constructive information t help another person become aware of how their behavior is affecting you and how you perceive their actions. It is important therefore to give feedback in a way which will not be threatening to the other person and increase his defensiveness. (Johnson, 1972).

Reflective Exercise

We have just begun to chip away at the surface of Interpersonal Communication and the barriers which may cause us to not be as effective as we would hope.

Several disclosures were shared this morning... Let’s take some time now to reflect either during the break or at lunch- What are some of your feelings? Which topic(s) impacted you most and why? What was different this time?

Take the time to read each other's postings and respond. This will help set the tone for this afternoon's discussions and activities.

In the e-mails received from you prior to the workshop, many requested materials to which they could refer as it relates to communication. The link I am sharing will give you further insight and you can view at your leisure.

Can you believe we are already half way through the day... Thanks for the rich interaction thus far!!

Pre-Workshop Discussion Topic

* 'People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel'... Maya Angelou. Share what resonates with you as you read this statement and comment on the submission of at least one other participant.
*We all communicate - Share your definition of Interpersonal Communication?

Welcome to the Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills Workshop

Welcome to our 1 day workshop... not often do we get an opportunity to come together as a group and exchange ideas in an attempt to serve our clients better and ultimately move our college forward. During our time together we will look at what Interpersonal Communication means to each of us and how we have been using it both in our personal and work lives, some barriers to communication and how these may affect us from transfering our intended message. If you have not guessed it yet this is going to be a highly interactive workshop... yes lots of meaningful discussion. To focus yet some more on meeting your needs, I am asking that all participants start thinking of those areas in Interpersonal Communication that you would like to explore in some more depth and send these to me, I will make every effort to incorporate them in our time together.

*** Before we get together on October 29, 2009 at UCCI's Executive Training Suites Rm 1, I want you to do three things:

1. Share with me what you want to take away from this workshop, and any issues that concern you re: the way we interface with our clients both internal and external. (Kindly submit to me via by October 23, 2009).

2. Ensure that you familiarise yourselves with this blog platform, as we will be using this method as our main communication platform. All assignments and responses will be posted via this medium.

3. Now that you are familiar with the platform go to the Pre-Workshop Assignment at the bottom of the workshop blog page and post your response to the question listed there. Each person will respond to at least one other participant's response. " Are you there yet?" :)

I am excited about this our first professional development workshop of the academic year and I look to hearing from you, reading your submissions and facilitating the process.

See you in 2 weeks.
